Market Survey for Battlefield Management Systems

Market Survey for Battlefield Management Systems
Estonian Centre for Defence Investments (ECDI) is conducting a market survey to gather information on modern suite BMS application in Tactical Communications Networks (TCN) that can provide core capabilities for Command and Control (C2).
The aim is to acquire fast, accurate, secure and reliable system, supporting automatized operational tasks in the operational environment from tactical level to joint echelons.
The Goods and Services are financed in the framework of the European Peace Facility Contribution Agreements (including Contribution Agreements No. EPF/2022/27), signed by the Buyer and the European Commission as administrator for Assistance Measure under the European Peace Facility to support the Armed Forces of the Republic of Moldova.
End user: Armed Forces of the Republic of Moldova
Also any technical information and potential pricing which is related to the asked capability, but is not asked is highly appreciated.
We kindly request your response and fulfilled tables by electronically via e-mail or other way electronically, but no later than 11 of JULY 2024. to Priit Soosaar,